Food combining simplified
I have found that for some of my patients the idea of food combining is difficult to grasp. I made it very simple below:
1. Eat carbs (carbohydrates) and proteins at separate meal times.
2. Salads and CRUNCHY AND COLOURFUL veg can be combined with either proteins or carbs but not at the same time.
3. Eat nothing sweet (including fruits) and drink nothing cold or sweet after meal. Drink hot drinks after meal only.
4. Leave 2-3 or more hours after carb meal and 3-4 or more hours after protein meal before eating anything else unless from the same food group (either protein or carb).
5. Deserts and fruits or sweet drinks both hot or cold can only be eaten before the meal or as a separate meal.
Examples of well combined meals:
- vegetarian pizza
- steak with salad and raw or lightly steamed non-starchy veg
- baked potato with parmesan, rocket salad and pine-nuts
- salad with seafood
- chips with salad
- bacon, sausage and egg with salad and with NO toast or hash browns or chips a little or no beans
- hash browns (saved from breakfast) with avocado or cheese on toast
Well combined crunchy and colourful veggies with good proteins.
Carbs and proteins are:
- bread
- pasta
- pizza
- rice
- potato
- sugar
- all overcooked veg
- meat
- fish
- poultry (chicken)
- egg
- sausage
Salads (raw)
- Rocket
- spinach
- cress
- basil
- lettuce
- dill
- parsley
- coriander
- and other similar greens and herbs
- raw peppers
- raw tomatoes
- raw courgettes
- and other colourfull and crunchy veg
- spring onions
Other poins:
some vegetable protein reach foods when raw or slightly cooked classed as “salads” and when fully cooked they classed as carbs (e.g. soy beans).
plan your meal in advance and you will be able to eat everything you like.
enhance your digestion by probiotic supplements or kefir
start your day with a glass of warm water
no artificial and processed foods and no sweeteners please
don’t forget to brush and floss your teeth after meals
please check the full description of food combining here.
Thank you and good luck!